Wednesday 15 July 2009

Handmade 27th June

Remarkably we had 3 visitors before 11am already! The day was off to a great start!
Although the sky was overcast for most of the day, we had a lovely warm temperature which invited people to take a stroll into town and the Custard Factory. There was a theatre performance on at the CF Theatre, which brought lots of people to the pool area waiting for the show to start. On the whole there was a really lovely buzzing atmosphere about…
To enhance our visibility at the back of the pool, we installed a large cardboard painted Zebra-Cow on the stage. This helped with attracting people’s attention to our presence. Furthermore we placed a little table with cupcakes for 10p each in the middle of the space. Now this was really drawing the people in!
Today’s guest stallholders were:
Sisters Natalie and Danuta from Lemon-aide set up their table outside, displaying print designs on bags, t-shirts and handmade cards. They also do custom print designs. Have a look at their website on
Sarah Roberts made use of every little space on the table, floor and in the display cabinet behind her with notebooks, wrapping paper, cards, badges and mirrors all adorned with her delicate flora inspired prints. Have a look at her work on
Rachel Warren is a jeweller working in silver, polymer clay, and glass (lampwork, fused & enamels). Some of the jewellery is very organic and resemble silver clusters of seaweed, whilst her handmade glass beads are in stunning shades of green and blues. Visit her new website on
Laura Cameron and Richard Johnson shared a table displaying their work. Laura’s work consists of beaded jewellery crafted with a mix of glass, semi precious stones and resin. Richard is a writer and photographer, but also brought some paintings along today. His photographs display landscapes and breathtaking architecture from Florence and places closer to home like Lichfield and Worcester. Their work can be found at: and
Sarah Robinson of Magpie Jewellery baked some lovely mini cupcakes for today. She had another beautiful display today and some new additions too! Thank you so much for taking part all three weekends!
Gosia from OhGosh! had another colourful table full of leather goodies today. She has just moved studios this week and her head office is now based at the Jewellery Quarter. All of her pieces are one-offs and tend to be made from small lots of leather, so you won’t find a similar bag design with the same colour combinations or textures. Bag yourself one whilst you can! See her work on
Emma Blundell and Emma Thompson set up at the same spot this week with their gingerbread men cards and beaded & charmed necklaces. No plants this week though, but hopefully we’ll see them return soon. They’re currently working on a website.
It was lovely to have the shop space filled with browsing customers… even if it was still a bit on & off.
Our Zebra-Cow got some company in the afternoon as the stage was being built up with a lighting rig. We managed to keep the cow onstage until 4pm, but then the curtains had to go up for tonight’s gig. Credit to Oda Valle for the design of this magnificent creature!!!! Check her work on
More flyers have been distributed and more publicity is being chased this week. Fingers crossed for next weekend!!!

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